Friday 24 November 2017

Post 10 : English Language Challenges

Post 10 : English Language Challenges

This is our final blog, personally I liked them alot because they allowed me to practice more my writing that I had forgotten a little bit and I also like to write about interesting stuff. I enjoyed English class because it was didactical and it make use of practical tool such as blogs, online tests and videos. 

I think I need to improve alot, the most difficult areas of english for me are writing and talking, I have a hard time on pronunciation because english language is pronunciated in a different way than our language and also I try to imagine the words in my head but in my voice they sound in a different way. Also writting is difficult for me because there are some rules that I keep forgetting like the use of ' or the different time tense. I don't know how I can learn this thing, maybe travelling would be a good way to practice english, I've been told that Australia is a great country for agronomists and it could be a good experience to go there once I graduate for a couple of years.

Outside English class im using english alot because of all the things I have to read like papers and documents, because we are learning how to do our thesis. So we have to do alot of reading mostly, but we lack the use of oral interactions or listening skills.

I think english should be a mandatory assignment since the day one of university because it helps alot in the other classes, and it helps you to look for information which is more easy to find in english pages. 

Thursday 16 November 2017

Post 8 : Summer Plans

We are all waiting for the end of this stressful semester, and we all think of the things we will do in the vacations. I wish to do practice in the summer so I can earn some experience as an agronomist, but I don’t know if im going to be able to do that because I finish an university matter in order to be able to do practice.

So if I cant’t do practice im going to finish all the series I haven’t been able to finish because of all the tests and proyects we have to do. Also im going to sleep the eight hours as it should be!.
I don’t know if im going to go anywhere, I hope I do, I would love to go camping in the wilderness and leave Santiago for a week or two, maybe go fishing or hiking would be nice, I like to spend in the nature.  Also I would like to go to the beach, maybe go to cities like La Serena and Valparaiso, to breath the air of the seaside and chill in the sand.

Also I would like to take some courses, I recently watched a flyer about a stand-up comedy course with Felipe Avello, my favorite comedian, and it would be very fun to take classess with him, it would be something really exciting.  I hope he doesnt charge much tough. Also I would like to learn how to brew beer, I’ve been postponing this for ages!.
Well there are alot of things I would like to do in vacations, they are just around the corner.   

Resultado de imagen para valparaiso

Post 9 : Changes to my Study Program

Resultado de imagen para malla agronomia uchile

Today’s blog is going to be about an interesting topic, the study program of my career: Agronomy. Well in my opinion there are alot of things I would change about my career program, such as the focus of the career and the classes that are imparted along the career. I think that are some mistakes on the focus of the career in the way that is teached, because I think that there should be more practical hours so you can apply the things that you studied.

Also there should be a way to approach more to the teachers because in alot of classes you don’t feel an attachment with your teacher and you don’t feel secure to ask things and that is a very important aspect of education, the feedback between teacher and student.

There is too a problem in the agronomy study program is the repetition of subjects with different names but same content, for example we have a classes named Practice 3, Marketing and Agrobussiness and in all of them you have to develop a product and you have to do the same thing and study the same subjects so its a repetition of the same idea.  
Another problem is the lack of practical classes, because we have Practice 1 to Practice 5 but no one of them are real practice, there should be a class in which you could put to practice the things you learned.

Finally other problem that I find is the lack of technology application in agronomy, because we only have a few classess in which we learn how to apply technology to agricultural systems and that is an important subject. 

Thursday 19 October 2017



I don’t think I have any heavy addictions in the way of things that I couldn’t stop doing and are hard for me to quit, Im too young to develop a heavy addiction.

But there are certainly some things that I love doing and could develop in an addiction in some way because they are addictive habits. For example I really like beer, I like to taste different varieties and flavors of beer, and sometimes I drink to much. I like other things that could develop into an addiction, I like games in general, I mean video games, deportive games and card games, so I sometimes gamble, I like betting in cards games like Texas Hold ‘em Poker or in the slots machines. But I don’t do it much because I know it could develop into an addiction and I have to control that.

I think that to control your addictions first you have to control yourself, if you know that you are doing something that isn’t good for you, you have to think for a moment why you are doing that in the first place. If it’s to late for that first you have to acknoledge you have a problema and try to search for help from your family and friends. For example there was a time that I went drinking every weekend and I knew that it was bad for me so I said to myself “I have to stop” so I tryed and convinced myself that I didn’t need to go out every weekend and so I did. 

Thursday 12 October 2017

Post Graduate Studies

I don’t think that I would like to apply for a post graduate study like a Master or Ph.D, because I don’t like the fact that you are always being judged as a student and your opinion almost doesn’t count.

There is to much stress in evaluations and proyects and I don’t think I could handle it any more. Im not saying that I wouldn’t like to learn, but there are other ways of learning that don’t require so much time and money. You can always learn as you work, I think that im more a practical learner than a theorical learner, and for me is more easy to learn doing proyects than learning by reading or stuyidng. For example I think that is better to learn a foreign language by going to the foreing country than to doing courses, because you have the necessity to learn and you do so by force. Maybe I would like to travel to other countrys and by doing so you learn other ways of doing agricultura, ways that you aren’t used to

Also there is alot of information on the  internet where you can learn alot of things by watching videos, reading papers or other means of information, so you don’t have the  need of always being judged or evaluated. But I guess that is just my way of thinking, maybe im not just student material.

Thursday 5 October 2017

My future job

We all had crazy dreams about our jobs, mine was being an austraunt, to discover new planets. My dream job would be becoming an agronomist-austraunt, colonizing planets like Mars, making farms other ways to produce food. We all know that this is never going to happen, so we have to be realistic.

So my realistic dream job would be working in a greenhouse, applying technology in farms making hydroponics systems. This would mean working outdoors and indoors. I imagine as a relaxing way to work, because its different to work in an office in Santiago than working in a farm in a rural part of the country, you don’t have the stress of the city. I would definitely  like to be my own boss, because in that way I could have more freedom in what I choose to do.

I wouldn’t like to travel that much because it can be stressing to travel to far away, sure its great to meet new places, but it isn’t the same to travel for work than to travel for holidays.
The problem it’s that agronomists don’t earn that much as other proffesionals like engineers, lawyers or doctors, but the freedom of the countryside sure pays off in a way.

I don’t think that im going to continue studying, because with all these years of being in the university I had enough, I don’t think that im student material honestly, I would prefer to learn working or by other means, I don’t like being evauated and judged all the time, its stressful, at least for me. 

Thursday 28 September 2017

Global Warming

Global Warming

Greenhouse effect gases like CO2, CH4, O3 and other gases, produce the absortion of infrared radiation, preventing that the radiation produced by the sun leaves the planet, producing a raise in the atmosphere temperature, that means changes in our planet climate.

It's true that CO2 and other greenhouse effect gases  have an impact on the global warming as it is, but we don’t have to forget about the natural climate change that occurs and has occurred every year in our planet. But greenhouse effect gases make the natural climate change to occur even faster. To prevent this from happening we have to reduce the quantity of this gases, for example cattle industry produce alot of CO2 due to the digestion procces of cows. Also there is the large quantity of CO2 produced by fosil fuel, that can be reduced by using other means of fuel like biofuel. In the recent time there was alot of controversy because Donald Trump left the Kioto protocol, increasing the CO2 allowed by the United Nations and becoming a real threat to our planet. Also China doesn’t has a good ecological policy, and they are the biggest contributor on the production of greenhouse effect gases.

Also we have to change our lifestyles, we have to recycle, use less water, prefer other means of transport and eat less meat to contribute to reduce the global warming.